The art of marketing is a tricky one. Creating ads that will sell your product by standing out above the competition. That is the ultimate goal. As a graduate of the Marketing program at the University of Montana, I learned quite a lot about the tender balance of creating a sale.

Read More: Is Montana Ready? Walmart Experiments with 100% Self-Checkout

One of my favorite classes was the class where we got to watch Super Bowl commercials all day and discuss what made them good and what made them bad. The commercials that seemed to perform the best were the ones that either made you laugh or made you think. Successfully engaging with your brain without you knowing it. Those were the ads that had the best performance with audiences.

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Mark Britnall is the owner of Bitterroot Furniture in Hamilton, Montana. You may recognize him from his crazy antics in his television commercials for the popular furniture store. Mark has always had a way of making his ads stand out because of his funny bits and costumes.

For example: take one of Mark's most recent ads for a Saint Patrick's Day sale.

It looks like our friend Mark has REALLY outdone himself this time. Taking his mastery of marketing and created a billboard advertisement that is guaranteed to make you cuss and swear. An ad so good that it could make your kids and even your Grandmother drop an "F-BOMB." All while utilizing one of the oldest jokes in the book.

Just south of Lolo on Highway 93, you will spot this amazing piece of marketing from "Mark the Sofa King."


I have laughed each time I drive by this billboard. Probably because I have what my Fiance calls an immature mind. But, you can't deny that this made you giggle too. I laughed so much, I might even go sofa shopping next time I'm in Hamilton.

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Gallery Credit: KC

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