Spend A Screamy Night In The Scream House
Halloween is a SCREAM! Why not spend a day or 3 at the Scream House this Halloween Season!
The scream house is located in Tomales, California, about 70 miles North of San Francisco and listed as an Airbnb.
Dewey is your virtual host for this super screamy trip back to the 90's. The house takes you back to Woodsboro (Tomales). It features 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living room and WIFI with a tv for you to binge SCREAM during your stay.

The house features knife marks on the wall (from you know what) a landline (incase you need to hit someone with it) and plenty of 90's snacks for your binge watching. You even have a chance to win SCREAM stuff like DVD bundles and gear from Woodsboro High School.
We've got some pictures to show you from this screamy gem. Thing is, there's something disturbing in some of the pictures.
Sure, everything looks fine at first glance. A beautiful yard, plenty of parking, but that stained glass though.
Scream House
What a lovely entryway. Wait, wait, wait! Who left the window unlocked?
The living room is perfect for binging. A fireplace and scary old movie on the tube. I wonder if she likes scary movies?
Scream House living room
Feeling like your traumatized life is inconveniencing everyone and their perfect existence? The kitchen is perfect for popping up some Jiffy Pop in their retro microwave and munching the pain away
Scream House kitchen
Just when you're feeling nice and safe and chill. You're so ready for some good food, and THIS GUY wants to come ruin the weekend. Why's he creepin' around the back? What's this going to do to book sales?
Scream House dining room
If you're feeling a little woozy from all the bloody fun, there's a cozy bedroom waiting for you. Wait. Who's trunk is this?
Scream House bedroom
Another view of the house
Scream House front