This Potentially Deadly Virus Can Go Undetected

During the summer months, you really don't think about getting sick, at least not compared to the winter months.

However, thanks to the annoying little mosquitoes that pester us in the summer months, there are chances you could contract a nasty little virus and not even know you're ill.

READ NEXT: Amazing Online Remedy Kills Most Montana Mosquitoes, Flies, And Bugs

A mosquito will a full belly of blood along with a graphic of a red slash over a mosquito

West Nile Isn't The Only Virus Now In Montana

A week ago we reported that West Nile had been detected in 4 different Montana counties: Blaine, Dawson, Prairie, and Wibaux.

Thankfully no humans or horses (yes, horses are vulnerable as well) have so far turned up with the West Nile virus, but it can take up to two weeks from detection before the first case shows up.

The same can't be said about another mosquito-borne virus that we can confirm has been detected in Montana.

READ MORE: First Cases Of West Nile Suddenly Reported In Montana

A map of the United States with each states dengue fever cases

Deadly Dengue Fever Is Now In Montana

The CDC is reporting that Montana has had two confirmed cases of dengue fever.

So what are the signs and symptoms of dengue fever?

According to the CDC, only about 1 in 4 people will even experience or know they have dengue fever; the first symptom is, of course, a fever.

From there, you'll experience pain—pain behind the eyes, muscle pain, bone pain, and joint pain. Nausea and vomiting will also accompany your fever and pain.

While most people can treat their symptoms with over-the-counter medicine such as acetaminophen along with rest and plenty of fluids, some cases can develop into severe dengue.

This is where the virus becomes deadly and can lead to death in just a matter of hours. Be on the lookout for extreme stomach pain, sudden bleeding from the nose or gums, along with vomiting blood, or blood in the stool.

While your chances of getting dengue fever are slim in Montana, it is not something to ignore, and it's good to know the warning signs to make sure you don't succumb to the virus.

KEEP READING: 5 of the World's Most Deadly Insects Are in Montana Right Now

Field & Stream, an outdoor publication that's been around for more than 125 years, put together a list of the most deadly insects (and arachnids, they admitted to being "taxonomically laid back" in their article) in the world. Five of them can be found in Montana!

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

LOOK: Plant Some Of These In Your Montana Garden to Keep Mosquitoes Away

As we previously told you, mosquitoes are the most dangerous creatures on earth. If you want to keep them away from you're yard, these plants can help!

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

The 8 Smells Montana Mosquitoes Hate The Most

Mosquito season is here and if you want to avoid Montana's most annoying pest, try wearing these 8 scents, which you can find just about anywhere.

Most of these can be found at your local grocery store.

Why do mosquitoes hate these scents so much? Most of them mess with the mosquito's sensory gland in its nose, which helps drive the pest off.

Story Source: Pest Pointers Website

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

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