Great Falls, Montana: Where Even the Wind is Grateful

I truly believe that I one lucky gal to have been born and raised in the Treasure State.   As Thanksgiving approaches, it's time to reflect on some of the reasons why I am thankful to call Great Falls, Montana, my home.

Wind, Wind, and More Wind

Canva Photo By: Photo Schmidt
Canva Photo By: Photo Schmidt

It's windy here.  Not my favorite thing to deal with, but I think the wind has maybe kept the growth of Central Montana slower than some other Montana towns.  Even after covid, and the population boom, we have not seen what Bozeman or Kalispell has seen the last few years and I'm ok with that.  Stay windy Great Falls.

The Montana Wave

Canva Photo By: Antonio Diaz
Canva Photo By: Antonio Diaz

No, it's not a secret handshake—it's the Montana wave. Whether you know the person or not, everyone waves at everyone here. It's like living in a small town where everyone's your neighbor. So, keep that hand ready for a friendly salute every time you hit the road.

Majestic Waterfalls (Kind of)

Canva Photo By: Leezsnow
Canva Photo By: Leezsnow

Okay, maybe "great" is a bit of an overstatement, but we've got waterfalls! Sure, they might not be on the level of Niagara, but Rainbow Dam spillway can be surprisingly picturesque, especially during sunset. It's the thought that counts, right?

Great Minds, Great Falls: Amazing Schools

Canva Photo By: At Last Studio
Canva Photo By: At Last Studio

It's time to express gratitude for Great Falls Public Schools.  Thanks to all the teachers that took part in the educational journey my boys had.  The schools here are a testament to the resilience needed for success, teaching valuable life lessons alongside geometry and literature.  It's not just about imparting knowledge; it's about instilling values, passion, and the belief that every student can reach the peaks of their potential.

The Neighborly Spirit

Canva Photo By: Andrew Popov
Canva Photo By: Andrew Popov

Gratitude swells for the way Great Falls residents come together, not just on special occasions but in everyday life. It's a neighborly spirit.  I'm thankful for a community that wraps itself around you like a warm Montana sunset, reminding us all that in Great Falls, we're not just neighbors – we're family.

Great Falls, Montana

Great Falls, Montana

Gallery Credit: Tammie Toren

Gibson Park Great Falls

Gallery Credit: Great Falls Montana Tourism

History Of Black Eagle Dam, Great Falls Montana

History Of Black Eagle Dam, Great Falls Montana

Gallery Credit: Tammie Toren


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