When Is Enough Enough, NorthWestern Energy?

Remember this year when your power bills went through the roof?

In October 2023 the Public Service Commission approved a rate hit for RESIDENTIAL customers at 28 percent.  That means if your bill WAS $91.27 it will now be $116.78.  That's over $20 a month from the average Montana household. That can add up really fast in extra money for the utility. Example: There are over 400,000 households in Montana.  That adds up to over 8 MILLION dollars a month MORE revenue for NorthWestern Energy.

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The Increase Wasn't Enough For NorthWestern Energy

Daily Montanan reports that NorthWestern Energy and Montana Dakota Utilities have put in another request with the Public Service Commission.

This is what NorthWestern Energy submitted to the PSC:

  • They need another 21.9 million in revenue
  • NW Energy says it will be spending more than a billion dollars by the end of the year for natural gas and electric business.  This includes 310 million spent in Laurel on a methane-fired plant.
  • NW Energy says the rate request is so they can continue to invest in serving Montana customers.

Read On: Check out the history of the Montana State Fair

NorthWestern Energy would like rates to go up in October 2024 and AGAIN in April 2025

From the Daily Montanan If this rate hike is also approved, it would work like this:

  • Residential electric bills increase by another $2.09 (1.9%) in October '24 on an interim basis. In April '25 rates would shoot up by 8.28% or $9.11
  • Natural gas bills would increase by $4.81 (9.28%) in October '24, and then again in April bills would increase by $8.84 a month or 17.04%

That means by April 2025, the average home in Montana will be paying about $30 more than last year or $360 a year.  Multiply that $360 by 400,000 and NW Energy should be able to bonus their CEO quite nicely.

Combine that with this: Tuesday July 23, 2024, the Public Service Commission decided NOT to return 13 MILLION dollars to NW Energy customers, it's looking like things are pretty nice for NW Energy.

Electric Bill Montana

All The Way Montana Drivers Judge Each Other. Read About It Here

At Least NW Energy Is Preparing For Public Safety Power Shut Offs

Are. You.  Kidding? Montana rocking right around a hundred degrees or more every day this week. The state and surrounding areas are on fire.  So, instead of making sure the grid is up for the job, Montana is just going all Texas on us.

Maybe if they weren't trying to rob us blind, I could more appreciate the fact that NW Energy says they're trying to prevent fires and such.  Right now, it just looks like another way for them to get money without actually doing anything different or better.

Maybe It's Time To Take A Hard Look At The Montana Public Service Commission

Rate hikes are inevitable. However, our PSC has intentionally put a majority of the burden on Montana households.  Remember, it's the every day family that paid the brunt of this rate hike we're living in right now.  I can't find anything anywhere that says businesses will be hit as hard as households by the newest rate hike request.

Public Service Commissioners Are Elected

Perhaps it's time to vote out the entitled PSC Commissioners currently serving Montana businesses and put in some that favor Montanans.

15 Ways To Beat The Montana Heat

There's more than one way to keep cool in a Montana summer

Gallery Credit: Ryan Nelson

12 House Bugs You Should Never Ever Step On

Who knows? Unless, like me, you despise the existence of centipedes, these bugs could be the most helpful, low-key houseguests you'll ever have.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

NorthWestern Energy Montana New Meter Installation

NorthWestern Energy Montana New Meter Installation

Gallery Credit: Tammie Toren


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