Are You Sitting On A Gold Mine?

I know it's almost fall in Montana, but I have decided to do some spring cleaning and am downsizing items that are taking up space in my house.

There are plenty of things that through the years I've just never been able to part with because I feel at some point they'll be worth lots of money.

READ MORE: How To Turn A $2 Bill Into Thousands Of Dollars In Montana

A woman is buried under her clothes

Your Junk Could Be Someone Else's Treasure

You probably have a closet or a room with items that you haven't been able to part with either.

It could be items that you inherited from deceased relatives but didn't know what to do with, or perhaps items you bought long ago that got put out of sight.

These items might not be worth anything to you, but there are plenty of people out there that would pay a pretty penny depending on the condition and rarity.

READ NEXT: Stop Wasting Money Buying These Items At Montana Dollar Stores

A picture of a cluttered house

Vintage Is All The Rage Now

Younger people looking at buying their first homes are looking to the past to decorate and fill their homes.

Items such as cookware, decor, and physical media are all selling for hundreds of dollars online.

Now just because something is old doesn't mean it's automatically worth money. Some products/brands hold their value better than others, and it will take some online research on your part to find their value, but the following items in the gallery below can not only clean up some space in your house but also put some money in your pocket.

Items from Your Childhood Now Worth Lots of Money

Most people who grew up in Montana remember these items, but you probably didn't realize how much money they are worth now.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

LOOK: Things you'd likely see in an awesomely '80s garage

From scandalous bikini calendars to your dad's AMC Gremlin, '80s garages were a treasure trove of adventure, good fun, and sometimes downright danger.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

9 Items You Should Absolutely NEVER Buy at an Montana Garage Sale

According to the experts, these are nine items you should skip even if the price is right!

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler

KEEP READING: 12 Lost Treasures To Be Found In The Treasure State

Perhaps you'll be the person to find one of these lost treasures in Montana. Credit to Treasure Seekr for all the locations.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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