Where Does Montana Rank When It Comes To Being Nice?

It can get depressing watching the news or scrolling through social media. There is a lot of negativity out there these days, it seems.

So whenever I run across a positive news story, it's like an little oasis of good news in a vast desert of doom and gloom.

Forget Minnesota Nice, How About Montana Nice

I grew up in the Midwest, not too far from Minnesota, and I then went to college in Minnesota, there I found that the saying "Minnesota Nice" is true.

They are friendly and helpful people, but so too are the majority of people I have met in Montana.

Sure, we all know some Debbie Downers, and I think we all can be a bit too harsh on outsiders, but I think overall Montana residents are nice, and one website says that's true.

A cup of coffee sits next to a napkin that has the words "kind words cost nothing" written in blue ink on it

Montana Is Top 5 When It Comes To The Nicest States

The website The Top Tens allows people to vote for what states they've had rude encounters with, and when it came to the Treasure State, we landed in the top 5, with us being the 47th rudest state or the 4th nicest state in America.

They had this to say about our great state:

Montana residents are often perceived as independent and reserved, reflecting the state's rugged, rural environment. However, once relationships are established, people tend to be friendly and welcoming.

I feel that's pretty accurate when it comes to my experience of being someone who wasn't born here but got here as fast as they could and have made a life under the Big Sky.

I think the only people Montana residents are rude to are California transplants looking to change Montana, but they are in for a rude awakening, as you'll see below.

LOOK: Californians Moving To Montana Are In For A Rude Awaking

Thinking about moving to Montana. There are a few major red flags you need to know about before you do.

Gallery Credit: jessejames

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Gallery Credit: JD Knight

The Rudest Cities In America

The language experts at Preply have researched and conducted surveys to determine which city is the rudest in the nation. Here's a look at Preply's 2024 Rudest Cities in America (for full methodology and more insights, see the link in the #1 rudest city in the country).

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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