Where Does Montana Rank For Overnight Driving Fatalities?

If it's late at night and you are at a friend or families house and you need to drive home, what do they usually say to you?

If you said "watch out for deer," you know how dangerous it can be to drive late at night in Montana.

READ MORE: Odds Of Hitting A Deer Are Better In Montana

The front of a vehicle after hitting a deer with the antlers lodged in the front end

Driving At Night In Montana Can Be Dangerous

I'm a bit of a night owl, so I've always been up and active at night, and that meant driving as well.

Call it naivety or that feeling of invincibility when you're young, but I thought nothing about driving in during the middle of the night.

Thankfully, now that I've gotten older and wiser, I realize just how much I was rolling the dice by getting behind the wheel when it was pitch black out.

READ NEXT: Beware: The Most Dangerous Time To Drive In Montana

A man rubs his eyes while driving at night

What State Is The Most Dangerous To Drive At Night?

From animals such as deer to drowsiness and worsening eyesight, there are many factors that can lead to accidents when driving at night.

The Omega Law Group wanted to find what states suffered the most fatal accidents during late-night driving, so they looked at 5 years of data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Thankfully they found that Montana was not the worst state for fatalities during nighttime driving, as Hawaii earned that dubious honor, but it's not like we're the best either.

See where Montana, along with every state, ranks for likelihood of an accident when driving after dark.

America's Most Deadly States to Drive After Dark

The Omega Law Group analyzed data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Motor Vehicle Crash Data to determine which states you are more likely to get into a nighttime accident (using data from 2017-2021). Here's a look at America's Most Deadly States to Drive After Dark, beginning with the safest and counting down to the deadliest.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

KEEP READING: 11 Ways We're Judging How You Drive in Montana

Think you're a good driver? Think again as you take a look at the 11 biggest driving pet peeves Montanans face each and every day. Thanks to a Lending Tree survey commissioned by QuestionPro, we now know the 11 Ways We're Judging How You Drive in Montana. See the link in the #1 entry for additional pet peeves and complete methodology.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

LOOK: 11 Violations That Will Drive Your Insurance Rates Sky-High in Montana

According to "The Zebra," on average this is how much an insurance company in Montana will raise your rates for certain violations.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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