This Is How To Survive A Zombie Attack In Montana

First off, we all know zombies aren't real, but then again, maybe they are?

While there is no proof that the dead can come back to life, if it were possible, we here in Montana are actually sitting pretty when it comes to zombie attacks.

READ NEXT: 11 Years Ago Great Falls Was Hacked By A Fake Zombie Alert

A zombie reaches toward the camera while his mouth is open

Montana Is The 6th Most Prepared State To Survive A Zombie Attack

According to the Estately Blog, when it comes to surviving a zombie apocalypse, Montana has the 6th best chance of you living.

The 3 biggest reasons why we should be just fine are that we have the 3rd highest rate of veterans who have fighting experience. We are #1 when it comes to survival skills, and we have the 2nd most guns in America.

But what town in Montana would increase our chances again for those that have risen from their graves?

READ MORE: This Spooky Cemetery In Montana Is One Of The Scariest In America

A man tries to get away while zombie arms reach and grab for him from behind a gate

The Is The Safest Town In Montana To Fight A Zombie Invasion

The Wall Street Journal asked researchers at Cornell University where they thought one of the safest places to be should the walking dead arrive, and their answer was Missoula, Montana.

I would imagine the store "Zombie Tools" has much to do with our survival rates going up.

The researchers also pointed to our wide open rural spaces as a positive, saying we could avoid zombies for months.

So there you have it; even if zombies aren't real, we're safe here in Montana.

LOOK: This Secret Zombie Tunnel will Make your Skin Crawl

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

They say that there are over 70 zombies painted in what is known by some as Colorado’s zombie tunnel.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

If a Zombie Apocalypse Happened, Would You Be Prepared?

Check out these infographics from insuranks’ study on Americans’ zombie preparedness. You never know, this info might come in handy someday.

Gallery Credit: Maria Danise

KEEP READING: Top US Cities For Zombie Apocalypse Survival

In the event that the United States finds itself in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse, or equivalent survival situation, how safe is your city? State? Find the safest place to hunker down in the event the dead rise from the grave. Let's count down to the #1 safest place in the US, as we explore the Top 200 Cities For Zombie Apocalypse Survival according to
For the full methodology, scroll to #1.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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