Revealing The 10 Phrases Montana Residents Think Should Be Cancelled

When you see the phrases we think should be outlawed, we apologize if you find yourself being called out, as there could be a phrase you have hanging in your office or at home right now.

You might love that phrase, but most residents in America and Montana do not, and the sooner they are gone the better.

The website Preply recently surveyed just under 1000 people and asked them about popular phrases and their feelings toward them.

There are plenty of reasons why these phrases are no longer enjoyed by a majority of people; I'd argue most have just worn out their welcome.

Whatever the reason, there are 10 of them that stood out more than others and need to be put out to pasture.

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A raccoon is haning on a branch with the phrase "hang in there" next to it

How The Different Generations See Certain Phrases

Of those people surveyed, here is how the demographics shaped up: 49% female, 49% male, and 2% nonbinary, and as for ages, they ranged from 18 to 76 years old.

Of course there are going to be some phrases that are universally loved, and some that are universally hated.

Preply had this to say about how each generation sees certain phrases:

And as we venture deeper into the realm of colloquial annoyances, generational divides surface. While boomers find the modern “that slaps” annoying, “Gen Z, millennials, and Gen X share a collective eye roll for the once-beloved YOLO.

So, while certain age groups may still enjoy a phrase or two on the list below, for the most part, the majority of Montana and American residents say these are the top 10 phrases that need to be cancelled.

The Top 10 Phrases America Wants 'CANCELLED'

Do inspirational signs have the opposite effect on you? When someone says, Live Laugh Love, do you automatically roll your eyes? If so you'll be happy to find that phrase, and 9 others like, on Preply's list of the Top 10 Phrases America's Wants 'CANCELLED'

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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