The best how to guide for landscaping in Great Falls Montana
No matter what season it is in Great Falls Montana there is always something you can be doing to make sure your yard is the envy of the neighborhood.

Early spring is the time to get out there and check your trees and shrubs for any damage may have occurred over the winter. Make sure to use a professional if the job seems to big or dangerous to do on your own.
The secret to a lush green lawn in the summer, is getting that fertilizer down in the spring. April or May in Montana is a good time to start thinking about it as the grass starts to green and warmer temps are more common. Even waiting until June is not uncommon if you have cool-season grass in your yard.
This also the time to think about fertilizing your trees and shrubs as they start to come out of their winter dormancy.
No one wants weeds in their yard, garden or flower beds. To help keep them under control during the warmer summer days, get some weed control going now.
Mulch is more than just an aesthetic for your yard and tree. It can help retain moisture, which saves on water bills. Plus it keeps roots cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
A common mistake when it comes to lawn care is mowing too short. You might think it will reduce the amount you need to mow, but it could be damaging you grass. Leaving your grass a little longer can help ensure strong roots. Make sure to change directions each time you mow to help your grass look more even. Finally make sure your blades are sharp. Dull or damaged blades won't cut the grass as cleanly and end up hurting your grass.
Plants & Flowers
Most plants and flowers are full sun or partial shade, so when purchasing, look to see the amount of sun and shade they require. Place them into positions in your yard or deck that ensure they get right amount of sun and shade each day. Adding mulch to your potted plants can help retain moisture as well.
Most people make the mistake of over watering their lawns during the hot summer months. A rule of thumb is about 1 inch of water per week. Water early in the morning or later in the evening when temps are cooler so the water doesn't evaporate to quickly. When it comes to your potted plants and flowers, water them less often but give them lots when you do.
Fertilizing & Seeding
It's time again to fertilize your lawn. Doing it in late September or early October is the usually the best time in Montana. Just make sure to do it before the first freeze. Now is also the time to seed bare or dead spots in your yard. The best time for overseeding is done in the fall with cool-season grass yards.
It might be the least favorite part of taking care of your yard, but there are benefits to it. Allowing leaves to stay on your lawn all winter can cause damage to the grass below. A good tip is to mulch them up with your mower then place them over your garden should you have one.
Mowing and Trimming
When you mow your yard for the last time leave it a bit longer, but not to long. Too short and it won't grow strong in the spring leading to weeds. Too long and it'll mat under the snowfall leading to mold. Recommended length is about 3 inches. If you have perennials, now is the time to cut them down close to the ground.
It's time to give your trees and shrubs one last DEEP water before the winter. Wait to do this last one until most or all of the leaves have fallen off. Finally make sure to disconnect all hoses from your outside spigots before it freezes so as not to burst your pipes due to freezing water.
Snow & Ice
Remove heavy snowfall on branches to prevent them from snapping and breaking under the weight of the snow. Make sure to brush off the snow and not shake the branch which could also lead to breaks.
Protect Tree Bases
Animals love to nibble on the base of young trees, so if you planted some trees this year, protect them with tree wrap. Make to wrap high, as small animals can stand on the snow and reach higher than in the summer. This also protects bark from cracking due to the thawing and freezing of the sap underneath.
If using salt on your sidewalks and driveways, try to minimize the amount that gets on to your lawn and flower beds. This can draw water out of the roots of your grass and perennials causing damage to both.
There is plenty more that can go into ensuring you have a happy and healthy yard, but follow these steps and you'll no longer be thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
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Gallery Credit: Anuradha Varanasi
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