Listeners excited to let us know how they’d spend their $30,000 winnings
On Facebook the other day, we asked, what you would do if you won $30,000.
Well you'll have that opportunity to win starting Monday morning during the 8am hour.
We'll give you a code number that you then put in our app. If you haven't downloaded the app do so now by entering your phone number in the box below

That's all it takes, download the app, you listen for the code number, put the code number in the app, and you could win $100 each hour from 8a-5pm Monday through Friday starting September 19th all the way to Oct 14th.
Then on the 17th of October one lucky person will win the $30,000 grand prize.
So what did people say they'd do with their winnings?
Most people would pay off bills. Seems everyone could use a little extra cash to help pay off those medical bills, car payments, mortgage payments, or just bills in general.
Repairs was also a big response, house and car the top two.
Taking a trip was also a big wish from our listeners, you'll see below one person has been waiting on a trip for over 3 decades.
College funds, or savings also ranked pretty high up on what our listeners would do if they won.
All in all we got lots of great responses, and one listener, you'll see in the pictures below, is gonna make sure everyone gets to celebrate with him should he win!
Listeners let us know what they'd do with $30,000
Remember to download the app for your chance to win, and start making a list of what you'd do if you won!

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