How Bad Are Montana Drivers Compared To The Rest Of The USA?

Some people experience anxiety when getting behind the wheel. I, on the other hand, love driving and have always felt I'm a pretty good driver.

I won't say I'm perfect because I have gotten plenty of speeding tickets and been involved in a few crashes, but how would I and other Montana residents compare to drivers in other states?

"I'm A Good Driver, It's Everyone Else Who Is An Idiot"

When I was learning how to drive, my father told me to always be a defensive driver and to drive like the person in the car next to me was an idiot.

It makes sense and it works to help keep your focus when driving, but then that also means you are the idiot to those other drivers on the road.

Well, it turns out Montana roads might be full of idiot drivers because Forbes Advisor says Montana has some of the worst drivers in America, and it's not even close.

DUIs Doom Montana's Ranking

Forbes Advisor looked at 8 metrics to come up with their ranking, which you can read more about here, but the big takeaway is Montana struggles with drinking and driving, and because of that, it found Montana taking the #5 spot for worst drivers in America as you can see in the picture above.

5. Montana

Montana’s score: 92.10 out of 100

Montana has the highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes in the country (9.22 per 100,000 licensed drivers).

  • The state ranks fifth highest in the number of fatal car accidents involving a driver who was driving too fast for conditions, speeding or racing (7.77 per 100,000 licensed drivers).
  • Drivers in Montana also have the seventh highest number of fatal car accidents due to drowsy driving (1.03 per 100,000 licensed drivers).
  • It’s also eighth highest for DUI arrests (452.49 per 100,000 licensed drivers).
  • The state ranks 10th highest for the total number of fatal car accidents (22.12 per 100,000 licensed drivers).
  • Montana has the 11th highest number of fatal car accidents involving a distracted driver (1.84 per 100,000 licensed drivers).

While we might be bad drivers, at least we have some of the best drives in America.👇

BEAUTIFUL: These Are The Best Scenic Drives In Montana

Thanks to Stacker we know now that these are the 16 most scenic drives in Montana according to Trip Advisor.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

LOOK: Ranking The Worst Out Of State Drivers In Montana

A recent post on the Montana subreddit said these were the worst out of state drivers in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

KEEP READING: 11 Violations That Will Drive Your Insurance Rates Sky-High in Montana

According to "The Zebra," on average this is how much an insurance company in Montana will raise your rates for certain violations.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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