This Competitive Reality Show Should Film in Montana
Reality TV is an escape for some people. We can eavesdrop on other people's lives. It also gives "regular people" an opportunity to be famous. After all, not all of us can be actors. Montana has had it's share of reality TV come through our state. We've had the Kardashians and Drew Barrymore visit. We had the MTV show "Floribama" filmed in Lolo. There is one reality TV show that I think should come to Montana, and no. it isn't the "Real Housewives of Bozeman".
Survivor Should Come to Montana
Survivor is on it's 44th season. I can't believe it has been on the air for over 20 years. After the first few seasons were all filmed in the tropics, I started to make the case that the show should come and film a season in Montana. I understand that this will probably never happen, but it truly would be a case of Survivor.
Survivor Should Do "Montana Themed Challenges"
The show could be filmed in late Spring in Montana. The contestants would have no idea what kind of weather to expect. The tropical locations they normally use, have rain, heat, thunder and lightning. Now imagine just a bit of snow thrown in for good measure. There can be Montana themed challenges.
- Swimming in a mountain glacial fed lake.
- Standing on a stump with one leg.
- The fastest to put up and take down a tent.
- Sleeping bag races.
- Chopping down a tree with a hatchet.
- Hiking to the top of a peak.
Survivor Will Never Come to Montana
Survivor is all about "Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast", which could be the motto for Montana. I am a realist and I realize that the show will never happen here. They will never give up the tropics. In Montana you can only wear swim trunks and bikinis for short periods of time in the summer. Flannels, fleeces, boots and long pants aren't what reality TV is all about.
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