The ONE Unique Legal Reason To Honk Your Horn In Montana
When Is It Legal To Honk Your Horn In Montana?
How often do you honk your horn while driving in Montana?
Depending on the reason for your horn honk, you could actually be breaking the law and not even know it.
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What Are The Laws Surrounding Honking Your Horn In Montana?
Did you know there was a Montana Code regarding horns? This is what Title 61 Chapter 9 Part 4 Section 1 has to say,
A motor vehicle when operated upon a highway must be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 200 feet. A horn or other warning device may not emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to ensure safe operation give audible warning with the horn but may not otherwise use the horn when upon a highway.
As Montana sees towns like Bozeman, Kalispell, and Billings gain an influx of new residents, it means more traffic, which means more reasons to honk your horn in frustration, so when can you legally do so?
Check out the examples below for legal reasons you are allowed to honk your horn in Montana.
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Per the Montana Code, you are only allowed for safety reasons to honk your horn in Montana, which means:
Honking Because Someone Is Drifting In Your Lane Without Signaling?
A Driver Cut You Off, So You Honk Your Horn
Not Legal
Honking To Alert A Pedestrian Not Paying Attention And About To Walk Into The Street?
Tooting Your Horn While Seeing A Friend Walking Down The Sidewalk?
Not Legal
Laying On The Horn When The Car In Front Of You Doesn't Move As The Light Turns Green?
Legal, but only if they have become an obstruction which is a safety issue.
Picking Up A Friend At There House And Honking To Announce Your Arrival?
Illegal, if you're on the road, that is, but if you're in their driveway, technically that is legal.
Now I realize a few of these "legal" and "illegal" instances put you at a low risk of getting pulled over or ticketed by the police in Montana, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
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