The 10 Towns With The Absolutely Lowest Crime In Montana
How Safe Is The Town You Live In?
There are lots of things to consider when you are moving to a new area. Job opportunities, cost of living, housing availability, school rankings, local amenities, and healthcare.
However, the one that I think most people should be looking at first is the crime rate of your new residence.

Crime is something that no town will ever be able to rid itself completely of, but there are towns that are "safer" than others.
When it comes to crime rates and safe towns in Montana, it should come as no surprise that smaller towns are considered safer than their larger counterparts.
I don't know the true reason behind that, but my best guess would be that in a smaller town, you know almost everyone in it, whereas in a bigger town, it's easier to commit a crime when you don't know the person you're hurting.
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Where Is The Safest Town In Montana?
Montana as a whole is a pretty safe state and a great state to raise a family in, but that's not to say there aren't places where you'll want to make sure you've locked your doors.
The website New Home Source recently took a look at the crime statistics and found what town you'd be the safest living in.
So, if you are planning on moving to Montana anytime soon, take a look at the gallery and find out which Montana town is the safest.
The 10 Towns With The Absolutely Lowest Crime In Montana
Gallery Credit: Nick Northern
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